Home/Garage/Storage Decluttering & Cleanout

The concept for Chaos Removal started because my wife and I faced a major crossroads when our three daughters moved out of the house and we became empty nesters. We decided to make a major change and sell our 5-bedroom house and move to a 2-bedroom apartment. But we faced a major dilemma …

How do you sort through 30 years of “stuff” ranging from treasured family memories to boxes of items that we no longer need or use? We did it, but it was a huge learning process for us.

I’ve also had the challenge of losing both parents just seven weeks apart. They had 57 years worth of memories and boxes to sort through. In the midst of the emotion and hurt of losing them, I had to decide what to keep, give away and discard while sorting through thousands of items. I want to help lead or guide you through this process.

For many people, these tasks are so monumental that it’s paralyzing; it keeps them from selling a house or taking what could be the next big, awesome step in life.

Chaos Removal is your partner and solution for many situations:

  • Your basement, attic or storage unit needs serious uncluttering, organizing, sorting or purging.

  • You’re thinking of moving but have no idea where to start.

  • Your move is in the near future and you’re pressed for time.

  • You have an elderly parent that is transitioning to a different living arrangement and has boxes that have been accumulating for 40-50 years.

  • You’ve experienced the loss of a loved one and you need help with their possessions.

Let Chaos Removal do all the work for you!

I don’t start with a task list, because this is about far more than just sorting through boxes. Instead, I start with an in-depth conversation with you about what’s important to you, how you want us to approach the job and all of the options available. We’re not simply dealing with boxes of objects, I’m a partner with you in the midst of a life change than can be exciting or emotional, and often overwhelming.

My core values are honesty, integrity and transparency. I’m in your home and helping you with your most treasured items. I take this responsibility very seriously and I live out these values every minute I’m working with you.

If you’re wondering about the value of starting this journey, it’s often a net financial win for my clients because of money saved on your move, a possible earlier house sale, property taxes and storage fees, plus money back to you from items sold.

Contact me to take the first step!